Mastering LLM-Based AI Applications: A Deep Dive into Azure Machine Learning Prompt Flow

November 10, 2023 from 11:45 to 12:10

Speaker: Henk Boelman

Join to explore Azure Machine Learning prompt flow, a cutting-edge development tool for AI applications powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). With the rapid global growth in LLM-based AI applications, this session will demonstrate how Azure Machine Learning prompt flow streamlines prototyping, experimenting, iterating, and deploying these applications. We will delve into creating executable flows linking LLMs, prompts, and Python tools, debugging and sharing flows, and performing large-scale testing. Learn how to unleash the full potential of LLMs for your application by deploying a real-time endpoint. This session is ideal for those seeking a user-friendly tool to simplify their LLM-based AI application development process. Experience the power of streamlined development with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow today.

Henk is a Cloud Advocate specializing in Artificial intelligence and Azure with a background in application development. He is currently part of the AI cloud advocate team and based in the Netherlands. Before joining Microsoft, he was a Microsoft AI MVP and worked as a software developer and architect building lots of AI powered platforms on Azure.

He loves to share his knowledge about topics such as DevOps, Azure and Artificial Intelligence by providing training courses and he is a regular speaker at user groups and international conferences.